Home/Courses/AHA/Advanced Airway Workshop

Advanced Airway Workshop

Airway management is the single most important skill required of individuals involved in the management of patients. The ability to provide initial airway management and ventilation is a skill set necessary for practice in medicine, critical care, emergency room medicine, surgery and anesthesiology.

‘Currently there are gaps between what medical trainees are taught, what providers practice and what experts think’ – Let us bridge the gaps.



  • One Day Workshop
  • Original AHA Study Material Provided
  • AHA Certificate and E-card Provided
  • Certification Valid for 2 years


A: BIAD (Blind Insertion Airway Device)

  • Laryngeal Mask Airway
  • Combitube
  • Laryngeal Tube

B: Intubation

  • Oral Endotracheal Intubation
  • Tube Fixation
  • Placement Confirmation
  • Use of Bougie
  • Retrograde Intubation
  • Lecture on Difficult airway
  • Predictors of Diff. Ventilation/Intubation
  • Surgical Airway